Best Dog Treadmill Worldwide!


We designed the best dog treadmill on the market! When we created dogPACER we did not compromise, we set out to design the best dog treadmill ever built and we succeeded. Let us impress you with results! We have 2 dog treadmills to choose from. Make sure to check out the dogPACER and the miniPacer!

The sale of dog treadmills are on the rise as their humans look for solutions to keep their pets active and healthy. It is important for dogs to stay active to avoid debilitating health issues such as obesity, myalgia, muscle weakness, etc. Results don’t lie. That’s why dogPACER is the best-rated treadmill you will find on the market today.

Excellence in Design 

Our dogPACER and MiniPacer dog treadmills are as attractive as they are functional. Quality manufacturing and sturdy design make dogPACER the #1 dog treadmill in the world. The first thing you will notice about the treadmills is that they are longer than a human treadmill. That’s because a dog’s stride in longer and his body shorter than a human’s body.

Safety First 

The engineer who helped develop the treadmill designed the controls low and off to the side so the dog handler can control everything while the dog is on the machine. That way dogs may exit safely from the front of the machine. We literally had a rocket scientist lead our design team!

Exercise Anywhere 

dogPACER treadmills are portable because they are lightweight, compacts and may be folded. The miniPacer is great for hotel rooms (especially for those who often travel to dog shows), offices (professionals love it!), or apartment living. So your dog will be able to exercise regardless of the weather or other circumstances which might usually limit exercise.


This revolutionary dog treadmill is affordable. Similar products for dogs (and for humans) can easily cost over $1000. Our dogPACER is priced to be accessible to a wider range of pet lovers.

Ease of Use 

Dogs are trained surprisingly quickly on dogPACER. The digital display offers 3 prescribed exercise patterns or you may choose to just go at your dog’s pace.

Satisfaction Guaranteed 

The product warranty is two years, lifetime warranty on the carbon steel frame.

Our Happy Customers

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